Thursday, July 12, 2007

La Buona Tavola/The Art Of Cooking

Merluzzo al forno /Baked cod with garlic and mayonnaise

4 anchovy filets
3 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
6 tbsp olive oil
4 cod filets, skinned
1/3 cup plain breadcrumbs

Make your own mayonnaise and have some fun.
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 egg yolk
1tsp mustard
3/4 cup vegetable oil
Salt & fresh black pepper

For 4 people:
Make the mayonnaise. First put the garlic in a small bowl. Mash it to a paste. Beat in the egg yolk and mustard. Add the oil in a thin stream while beating vigorously with a small whisk. When the mixture is thick and smooth, season with salt and pepper. Cover the bowl and keep cool.
Preheat the oven to 400f, chop the anchovy fillets with the parsley very finely. Place in a small bowl, and add pepper and 3 tbsp of the oil. Stir to a paste.
Place the cod fillets in one layer in an oiled baking dish. Spread the anchovy paste on the top of the cod fillets. Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs and the remaining oil. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until the breadcrumbs are golden. Serve hot with the garlic mayonnaise.

Buon appetito

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