Friday, August 24, 2007

midomi - No Lip Syncing Here

Here's an interesting concept! Can't remember the name of that song, but you can't get the tune out of your head? Turn on your mic and hum a few bars, because with the sound of your voice, midomi will find it for you. And then it will connect you with others who share your taste in music (even if it is, say, Air Supply). Or maybe you'll want to channel your inner American Idol with midomi's online recording studio? Check it out!

P.S. A few musical opportunities:
Tonight: Myridian rocks the Athletic Club. Hear "Summer Of My Mind" on Radio Ojai.
Tonight: The Farmer and the Cook has Pizza, Beer and Music every Friday now. Their organic pizzas are allegedly awesome (I'll report back to confirm), and Jonathan McEuen will have live entertainment lined up starting at 6:00 p.m.
Tomorrow: Of course, the Locally Grown Concert.


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